Gratuity Calculator

Calculate your gratuity based on your final months salary and years of work, with a fixed percentage applied to the sum of your last drawn salary and Da.

Result Gratuity $0
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Gratuity = ( Years of work * Final months salary * 15 ) / 26

( 30 * $3300 * 15 ) / 26 = $57115. If an employee worked for 30 years with a final monthly salary of $3300, the gratuity would be $57115.


The gratuity calculator determines the amount of service charge that is added to the total bill at restaurants, bars, and other establishments where tipping is customary. It takes into account the number of people in the party and the percentage of the bill that is usually given as a gratuity. The result is an estimate of how much should be added to the bill for good service.

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