Price To Book Ratio (P/B Ratio) Calculator
Calculate the price to book ratio with our easy-to-use calculator.
Price To Book Ratio Formula
1100 / 14600 = $0.07534246575342465 This result represents the price-to-book ratio for a company, indicating the stock's market value relative to its book value per share.
Book Value Formula
$14300 - $5200 = $9100. This result represents the book value of a company's total stockholder equity after deducting preferred equity.
Book Value Per Share Formula
$18200 / $18700 = 0.9732620320855615 This is the result of dividing the book value ($18200) by the number of shares outstanding ($18700), representing the book value per share for a given stock.
The Price To Book Ratio (PTBR) is a financial metric that measures the relationship between a company's stock price and its book value per share. It represents the ratio of the current market price of a share to its net asset value, which is calculated by subtracting total liabilities from total assets on the balance sheet.
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