Price To Cash Flow Ratio (P/CF Ratio) Calculator

Calculate the price to cash flow ratio by entering stock market prices and cash flow, then see how much money you'd make per share.

Result Cash Flow Per Share $0 Price To Cash Flow Ratio 0
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Cash Flow Per Share Formula

Cash flow per share = Cash flow / Number of shares outstanding

$2900 / $8900 = 0.0325684696629135, This represents a cash flow per share of $0.0325684696629135 or 3.2568469666292135% of total cash flow.

Price To Cash Flow Ratio Formula

Price to cash flow ratio = Price per share / Cash flow per share

9800 / $3300 = $2.9696969696969697 The Price to Cash Flow Ratio is 2.96, indicating that for every dollar invested, the company generates approximately 2.96 cents of cash flow per share.


The Price to Cash Flow Ratio (P/CF Ratio) is a financial metric that helps investors and analysts understand the relationship between a company's market value and its ability to generate cash. It provides an indication of whether a company is undervalued or overvalued based on its cash flow generation capabilities.

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