Profit/Loss Calculator

Free calculator to analyze your profit & loss in percentages and amounts. Calculate Net Profit Margin instantly and gain clear financial insights.

Result Profit Percentage 50.00% Net Profit Margin 33.33% Net Profit $500

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Profit/Loss Formula

Profit Percentage

[(Selling Price - Cost Price) ÷ Cost Price] × 100


  • Profit Percentage: The percentage of profit generated from the sale of goods or services.
  • Selling Price: The selling price of the goods or services.
  • Cost Price: The original price paid for the goods or services.


If a company sells a product for $100 and the cost of the product is $80, the profit percentage would be:

($100 - $80) ÷ $80 × 100 = 12.5 = 12.5%

Understanding Profit and Loss

Profit and loss is simply about money going in and out of your business.

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